- We would decorate and color eggs that Saturday before Easter Sunday
- Sunday morning we would wake up to treats from the Easter bunny - which usually included candy, a stuffed animal of some sort (usually a bunny), & other cool little random things that were just 'so cool' when we were that age
- My mom would get my sister and I all ready (matching dresses and all!) for church. I always loved Easter because we would always get to pick out new Easter dresses :)
- Our church always held a small egg hunt so of course we were participants in that! :)
- After that we would head out to my grandparents house in the country for a big Easter lunch
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Wishful Wednesday - Easter
Friday, March 26, 2010
What makes THIS girl praise GOD?!
- My friend Lauren & I have officially started training for a 1/2 - full marathon as of yesterday!!! I love throwing on my running shoes, letting go of everything, and wah-la YOU'RE FREE. Now, these past 2 days have not been easy, but it's not supposed to be. WAHOO!! Praise the Lord I have a healthy body to do this
- God answers prayers. :) More on that later...
- God IS SO GOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
- My boyfriend is the bomb dot com. Yep. PTL He allows Don to be in my life.
- I've lost 4 lbs since Monday! :D PTL He has allowed my food cravings to subside
- My little Princess Pea Belle, is getting around a little better. Continue praying for her left leg! PTL He has given her strength to re-gain some of her mobility!
- My friends. OH - my friends. These girls are so great. We're all there for each other, & lately it seems as if we're just....I don't even know the right word for it. It's lovely, they're lovely...and I love them. A lot. :) PTL for girlfriends!
- I just recently found a Christian radio station (that I'm sure you all have heard of, I guess I just came out of the rock I have been hiding under) called KLOVE. It pretty much rocks my socks off. PTL for all these great worship bands!!
- I'm excited to announce I'm going to be 'throwing' together my own Womans Bible Study!! We're going to be studying Beth Moore's Breaking Free book. I got some mixed reviews on this (thank-you all for your opinion!!) but it just feels right. We shall see, and I will definitely let y'all know how it goes. PTL for giving me the wisdom & courage to do this!
- Lubbock just recently opened up the MOST AMAZING healthy yogurt place in allllll the land!!!! I can't even explain to you the tasty goodness it brings to my mouth
everyday. HA! PTL that God loves healthy sweets!! :)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Beth Moore
ALSO - I'm reading her book right now that SO many girls/women ( Kelly's Korner is where I had heard about it and Angie; who is a well known blogger) are reading called, 'So Long Insecurities' and I highly recommend it to ANYONE!! It's wonderful - even if you are the most secure woman in the world!! :)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Prayer Blog!
Monday, March 22, 2010
A whole bunch of nothin' - but it's somethin'!!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Makes me smile...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Wishful Wednesday - LOTTERY!
- GIVE, GIVE, GIVE. I would take my family out to dinner, and tip the waitress oh, I dont know 400 dollars. I would find different organizations that may need help, I would be a crazy love, giving machine. It would be SO awesome and rewarding. It literally makes me smile just thinking about it. :)
- I would let the Lord lead me to different things, because I know He would.
- I would probably buy mysef some cute shoes, hehe. ;) and maybe a purse...or twenty. Hahaha. :)
- Have my DREAM wedding!
- AND then - I would give it ALL to my grandfather, and let him tell me how to spend, & invest with it. He pays EVERYTHING with cash, and he is probably one of the smartest men I know. Years down the road after I build it up, I would probably travel, be a stay at home MOM (when we do have children) and just live an ordinary life with some MONEY in the bank. :)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Keeping FAITH, takin' a break & getting back to the basics...
I'm excited to get out of town for a week, because we have some fun stuff planned everyday (God-willing, this is all depending on how Belle is)
We plan on going to 2 ranch's to see D's family and hang out with our friend Katie, eat at some of our favorite hometown resturants - they are THE BEST, go for hikes, cook, lots of reading, & spending some quality time together. We both think it's very much needed and important for a healthy relationship. :) On Wednesday, I'm getting a massage and pedi/mani!!! YAY!!! Don opted out of that one, hahaha. I also have 2 good friends that live there, that I plan on catching up with.
I'm going to be taking a break from the internet all together (OK - fine, I WILL be participating in Wishful Wedneday of course!) but that's it. No facebook, no blogging, no e-mail - nada, zero, zilch. I think it will be good for me to enjoy my time with Don, my family, getting Belle back to her feet (also, God - willing) and spending time with the Lord - while taking in some serious mountain air...without the
I will keep updating on Belle, as we find out what's going on.
We have to take her back today to see if anything has changed, etc. We follow up on Monday with our regular vet and since we're going home, we will probably take her to my grandpa who is a vet himself (and a pretty good one at that!)
It is completely devastating to see her like this, I have to carry her everywhere, and she isnt able to move on her own. Her poor little eye is almost completely shut. I'm in absolute tears as I write this but I know prayers work! She is like a child to me, so PLEASE PRAY that everything will turn out okay, and that I can stay strong through this! I know this may sound silly, her being a dog in all, but I love her so much. I called my mom bawling last night (I had no idea what to do), and she KNOWS how upset I get when it comes to Belle...so she was able to calm me down, a little. Ha. I'm sad to be missing church, but there is no way I could leave her in a kennel. Thanks for the prayers.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Today my friends...
- sippin' on some more of my coffee & finishing my devotion ( I feel like such a dork for 'blogging' out my day, haha)
- lunch with the bride-to-be, her mom, her friend Britney, Katie, and myself
- BRIDAL appointment! Yay! I can't wait to help her pick out a dress!
- ...& more wedding stuff
- then - come home & PACK & clean because boyfriend and I are leavin' Monday morning! I L-O-V-E going home with him (we grew up together), its probably one of my most favorite things to do. Between both our mom's & grandma's - we get pretty spoiled. It's a nice little get-away from the city, you get to breath in some fresh air, and RELAX. Mmmm I could eat it up. Ha. You can read a cute summary of Alpine; home sweet home, HERE. :)
- Ah, tomorrow's Sunday...a trip to Market Street for our cinnamon rolls (Sunday morning tradition) are a must, almost forgot!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Belle, Friends, & Wedding
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Wishful Wednesday - Wedding Gown!

Evocative and graceful, Vera Wang’s Callalilly gown is an exceptional example of flower as inspiration. The gown itself is a strapless modified mermaid of asymmetrically draped layers of silk organdy. I LOVE the one-shoulder thing goin' on here!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Baby Names

This weeks topic at The Undomestic Momma is:
GIRL: Paisley Jo. Paisley - just because I think it is A-DORABLE, & Jo because that is my Nannie's name, and that is also Don's Granny's name. Cool, huh? :)
BOY: Cross Reesing. I think Cross is a very unique name, but I fell in love with it, and Reesing - that is my mom's maiden name. :)
Have I mentioned how much I LOVE BABIES???? Well, I do - to a probably unhealthy amount, ha! I can't WAIT to have myself a little Paisley or Cross. Yes...you are right, I need to get married first, haha! :)
The Words I Would Say, Sidewalk Prophets: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XnbTb2wyP0
How He Loves Us, David Crowder Band: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJyW55AXJAk They played this one in church on Sunday, and I was about as giddy as a little girl in a candy shop when it came on! :)
Forgiven and Loved, Jimmy Needham: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmF-s9Dd83g
Monday, March 8, 2010
Who are you?
I heard it on the radio today for the first time in a long time, and I'm not going to lie...I teared up a bit! I may or may not be a tad emotional, (ha) but I love the verse "when the day is done, my Momma's still my biggest fan. Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy, but I got friends that love me, & they know just where I stand...its all a part of me, and that's who I am" because I LOVE MY MOM, and I LOVE MY FRIENDS!! :) :) Just thought I would share.
All you ladies should listen and watch the video because I know it would make your day just a little bit better. :)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
--Lets see, Monday was a busy day filled with patients, and then 'prayer' at our church that night with my sweet boyfriend.
--Tuesday was a little slow, but Bible study was AMAZING, I feel so lucky to have found this.
--Wednesday was a busy day, and then I went out for one our friends birthday. We went to O'Hanas which is kind of like a Sho-gun--SO MUCH FUN! I don't think I have had a night out like that in a LONG time. I am so blessed to have the friends that I have!
He was SO funny! SAKI!!! This sums up the entire night, like I said...SO MUCH FUN! HAHAHA!
--Thursday was probably the longest day ever for me, considering I had a little too much fun the night before, HA! And then that night I went to church with my friend, Paige.
--Friday night I STAYED IN...and was asleep by 10, haha. Bliss.

One more week, and then ITS SPRING BREAK!!! YAY! I'm excited beyond words. My precious baby Belle, is getting groomed as we speak...I will for sure post before and after pics. ;)
A special thank-you for all of your sweet comments, and all my new followers! It makes my day! Also, from the beginning I told myself I wasn't going to 'buy' a blog lay out until I had at least 35 readers, so only about 15 more! haha!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
WiShFuL Wednesday!

To be completely honest, I really didn't watch too much of the Olympics this year, but I did watch the opening ceremony...and it was breathtaking I must say! It would have been SO COOL to actually be there...especially when the USA walked out! I watched some of the ice-skating events because those have always been my favorite, oh and some of that 'curling' was quite interesting - but that's pretty much it! Anyways, I cant wait to see what some of YOU picked! :) PS. If you're from Texas, refer to post below. :)

PS. It is a BEAUTIFUL day out, & it makes me SO HAPPY! Kind of like 'I'm walkin' on sunshine, ohhh oh - and don't it feel good, HEY! " :)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
God Blessed Texas with His own hands...

12. You can find a good hearted man and young lovin' woman anywhere.
13. Reagan, Honorary Texan
13. George W. Bush is from TEXAS!

14. Texas sunsets. 'Nuff said
15. Texas Ranching, Amen!
I could go on and on and on about this great state, but I'll stop while I'm ahead. ;) I may be a little biased, but I was born and raised in Texas and I think its safe to say I'll be raising my kids here, too!! Happy Birthday, TEXAS!
Pictures & Captions :)

Don't forget to count your blessings all the time & smile!!! :) :) :)
PS. I just did the post in record time, so sorry for the bad grammer and what not! :)