Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Muddy Buddy!

Well, as you probably know his past weekend some friends & I participated in the Muddy Buddy; a 7 mile course that includes biking, running, and obstacles in between in each mile that you trade off running and biking with your buddy!!!! The weekend was an absolute BLAST and the girls I went with are just.plain.awesome. We're already planning more trips together this summer :) Here are some pics:

       My 'buddy' Nicole and I before the race (It was 6am in the morning so please excuse the non-make-up faces ;))

Our shirts said "Maid oh Honor" and "Bride-to-be" on the back :)
Lauren & Ann
Our group after
Me and the bride-to-be :)
The 4 of us eatin' breakfast at Kerby Lane!
What a great weekend!! :):):) Can't wait for the next one!

1 sweet comments...:

Jamie said...

Looks like y'all had so much fun!