NO, I'm not Catholic, nor have I ever been to a "real" Catholic service, but I do participate in lent every year. And well people, it starts...TODAY. So what am I giving up? Cokes of course! Cliche, I know. But, I go to Sonic happy hour once a day, & enjoy myself a nice, cold, Dr. Pepper occasionally (my definition of occasionally=everyday) and I'm thinking, this is a little ridiculous! HAHA! So, I'm giving up ALL cokes for 40 days. Eeeek!
Also, (this has nothing to do with lent) my friend Katie and I are starting a book together called, The Purpose Driven Life. You read a chapter everyday for 40 days, and its supposed to help us understand why we're alive and reveal God's amazing plan for us--both here and now, and for all eternity. At the end of each short chapter, it gives you a Bible verse to think about. We thought it would be perfect to start today, since lent is 40 days, and this book will be read in 40 days. :)
"The premise - that true purpose in life is found not in self-absorption but through faith in action" - Wall Street Journal

"The premise - that true purpose in life is found not in self-absorption but through faith in action" - Wall Street Journal
Speaking of Katie, I took some pictures for her a couple of days ago, and they turned out so good!
I better get on the road...HAPPY LENT!
1 sweet comments...:
I am also giving up coke. Cliche, yes, but oh so hard. I am already having withdrawals from my Diet Coke with Lime!
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