Sonic Happy Hour

THIS sweet puppy face :)
And a phone call from this ladyI have baby fever 24/7 and it doesn't seem to be getting ANY better. The sad part about all of this, is that I'm not even married, so the chances of me getting preggo are um...zero to none? Ha! Bummer. I know WHO I want to marry, he just needs to put a ring on it. Ha! True Story: When I was in 2nd grade, I had this baby doll named Morgana (she was a real beauty), and I did everything for that sweet girl. I fed her, changed her diaper, burped her....I even made my mom "baby-sit" her when I was in piano lessons. Well, on a trip down to East Texas with my grandparents that summer, I LEFT HER in a restaurant. Worst day of my life, or so I thought. Anyways, I think that has stuck with me, and I'm just longing to replace Morgana, haha! I think I need a baby-sitting job...or something.
On a completely different note, I'm urging y'all to read Kelly's blog at http://www.kellyskornerblog.com/. I love her day-to-day life with her sweet daughter, I love how she incorporates God into EVERY aspect of her life, & she is such an inspiration to me. I couldn't get to sleep last night, so I went back and was reading her blog from a few years ago, and wow!
Before I keep up my rambling, and bore all of you to death, I'll stop while I'm ahead. :) I'm excited for Wishful Wednesday!
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