Put the award on your blog
Thank the person who you received this from
Tell 7 interesting things about yourself
Nominate 7 bloggers
Thank the person who you received this from
Tell 7 interesting things about yourself
Nominate 7 bloggers

**I give this award to: Nicole @ http://www.nicolezunker.blogspot.com/ (Check her out, we've been friends since we were 6 months old!) Need Proof?? Here it is: Nicole is on the top (crying), and I'm on the bottom :)

Samantha @ http://banegasfamily.blogspot.com/
THIS cute blog I found @ http://cobiafamily-cobia.blogspot.com/
OK, I'm very new at this, so all the rest of the blogs I read have already been given this award! Have fun!
7 Lovely Things About ME! :)
1. I'm from the GREAT state of TEXAS! I love everything about it, the cowboys, the state flower...the bluebonnet, the word "y'all", every one's friendly nature, and of course the ole twang accent that most everyone has here. This picture makes me SO happy, my grandmothers favorite flower is the bluebonnet, and this is what I want my flower to be at my wedding!

3. I went and saw 'It's Complicated" last night with one of my girlfriends, and I loved it! It was super cute and girly.

5. I'm super organized, a little OCD, and pretty much a clean freak...sometimes. When school starts, you better believe I have my planner with different colored highlighters marking all kinds of different stuff, ranging from BLUE=Tests, ORANGE=Homework, PINK=Fun, and so on and so on. I LOVE a clean house, clean sheets, a clean dog, clean car...I think you get the point. Sometimes, I get super busy and things can get a little messy, but I'm definitely your Type A personality.

I hope everyone has an awesome week!!! WHO ELSE IS MORE THAN READY FOR SPRING?!?!?! :D
3 sweet comments...:
Yay! Im so happy you like your award! They always make blogging fun! Girl your Friday nights soung just like mine! haha! My bf always wants to go out to dinner but Im always like carry out please....I love getting on the couch with our puppies and a good movie! :)
Me am super ready for spring!!! And I am thrilled ya'll like the devotion book....Doc and I have gone through 2 books and we are constantly searching for new ones. Have a good day and wish ya'll were here! Love ya!
hehe I am also a cuddly, Sharpie-loving, Type A homebody. =)
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